What is physiology , Branches of physiology , discoveries of physiology


Begin with a captivating introduction to draw readers in. Explain the significance of understanding human physiology and how it impacts our daily lives.

Branches of Physiology

Different branches of physiology are-

1. Viral physiology: Virus related physiology.

2. Bacterial physiology: Physiology related to bacteria. 3. Cell physiology: Cell physiology.

4. Plant physiology (Plant physiology): Plant related physiology.

5. Animal physiology: Animal physiology.

6. Human physiology: Human physiology.

Based on practical importance human physiology is divided into following branches viz.

1. Work physiology

2. Sports physiology

3. Nutritional physiology

4. Neuro physiology

5. Reproductive physiology

6. Social physiology

7. Environmental physiology

Discoveries of Some Physiologists

1. William Harvey (William Harvey): Harvey was born in 1578 AD in Folkestone, England and died in 1657 AD in a fraternity near London. 1597 AD from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He received his doctorate from the University of Padua in 1602.

Dr. Harvey’s contributions are- (i) Elucidation of continuous blood circulation in animals, (ii) Examination of cardiac activity, (iii) Function of heart valves, (iv) Unidirectional flow of blood, (v) Short and long circulation, (vi) Function of pulmonary vessels, ( vii) Various studies on blood and (viii) Elucidation on animal reproduction.

2. Claude Bernard (Claude Bernard): Scientist Claude Bernard was born in 1813 in southern France. Appointed Professor of Physiology at the Sorbonne in 1854. In 1858 he was appointed Professor of Medicine at the College of France. He died of tuberculosis at that place in 1874. Most of the subjects he researched were neuro-related. His various discoveries are- (i) identification of chorda tympani nerve,

(ii) Identification of accessory spinal nerves, (iii) Relation of individual nervous system to pancreas, (iv) Digestion of food by stomach, (v) Digestion by pancreatic juice, (vi) Glycogen storage in liver, (vii) Motor nerves, (viii) Endocrinology in body.


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