Heart beat

The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles, which causes the blood to circulate throughout the body, is referred to as the heartbeat, also known as the cardiac pulse. This procedure is critical for eliminating waste materials from the body and supplying oxygen and nutrients to different tissues and organs.

Key points about the heartbeat:

Origin: The right atrium of the heart has a little collection of cells called the sinoatrial (SA) node, which is where the heartbeat starts. By starting electrical impulses that cause the heart muscle to contract, it functions as the body’s own pacemaker.

Heart Cycle: The diastole and systole are the two primary stages of the heart cycle. The heart contracts to pump blood into the arteries during systole, whereas the heart relaxes and fills with blood during diastole.

Measurement: The beats per minute (BPM) are commonly used to express the heartbeat. Adults typically have a resting heart rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

The palpable pounding of arteries is known as the pulse, and it is usually felt in the wrist and neck regions where arteries are near the skin’s surface. It is used to measure heart rate and rhythm and correlates to each heartbeat.

It is essential for general health to maintain a regular and healthy heartbeat, since any irregularities or anomalies may point to underlying cardiovascular problems. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress reduction all support a strong heart and a good heartbeat.

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