Blood ,Functions of Blood….


Blood is a specific body fluid that moves through the circulatory system, giving cells vital components like oxygen and nutrition and eliminating waste. It is essential for hormone transportation, immune system support, and homeostasis maintenance. Here are some thorough blood-related notes:

Functions of Blood

Transport:Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
The plasma carries waste materials, hormones, and nutrients.

Rules:Blood distributes heat, which aids in controlling body temperature.
The buffering ability of blood keeps pH balance.

Defense:White blood cells provide defense against external chemicals and diseases.
Excessive bleeding is prevented by clotting factors and platelets.

Composition of Blood:

Plasma:approximately 55% of the volume of blood.
made up of waste materials, proteins, hormones, electrolytes, and water.
Albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen are examples of proteins.

Developed Components:around 45% of the total amount of blood.
comprise platelets (thrombocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and red blood cells (erythrocytes).

Blood Types

The ABO blood group system:Depending on whether antigens are present or not, A, B, AB, and O.

Rh component;based on whether the Rh antigen is present or not, the result is either positive or negative.

Colour of blood

Although blood is normally red, its hue can change based on how much oxygen is present. Bright red blood is oxygenated blood, which has taken up oxygen in the lungs. Blood that has lost oxygen and become deoxygenated appears blue-red or even deeper in color. Hemoglobin, the iron-containing protein found in red blood cells, interacts with oxygen to change color.

Blood appears brilliant red in arteries because that is where oxygen is delivered to the blood as it is being oxygenated. Blood appears deeper red in veins because they transport deoxygenated blood back to the heart and lungs.

The thing to remember is that blood is never really blue. The fact that veins, particularly those close to the skin’s surface, might look blue or green through the skin may be the source of the myth that deoxygenated blood appears blue. Not the color of the blood, but rather how light interacts with the skin after penetrating it, is the cause of this.

Buffer of blood

When discussing blood and physiology, the term “buffer” refers to a material or mechanism that aids in preserving a solution’s pH equilibrium by fending off changes in its acidity or alkalinity. The blood’s several buffering mechanisms work together to keep the pH within a certain, ideal range, which is between 7.35 and 7.45.

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