best yoga for beginner weight loss

Yoga blends physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and ethical principles to improve one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Since its inception in ancient India, yoga has developed over thousands of years to be practiced in many ways around the globe.

A complete yoga warm-up helps you perform better overall, reduces the risk of injury, and prepares your body for yoga practice. Here are a few short and effective warm-ups to get your body ready for an introductory yoga class:

Routine for Warming Up (5–10 minutes)
Bending Forward While Seated (Paschimottanasana):

With your legs out in front of you, take a seat.
Take a breath, extend your spine, and then release it as you bend forward from the hips and reach for your toes.
For five to ten breaths, hold.
Cat-Cow Pose (also known as Marjaryasana-Bitilasana):

Place yourself on your hands and knees like you’re on a table.
Taking a deep breath, raise your head and tailbone toward the ceiling while arching your back (Cow Pose).
Take a breath out, arch your back, and bring your chin up to your chest (Cat Pose).
Repeat ten to fifteen times.

Salutations of the Sun
Sun Salutations, also called Surya Namaskar, are a dynamic sequence of yoga poses that flow with the breath. It’s a fantastic way to start your day, warm up your body, and gain strength and flexibility. This is a thorough guide on how to perform Sun Salutations:

Sun Salute (Surya Namaskar) Mountain Pose Sequence (Tadasana):

Arms at your sides and feet together, take a proud stance.
Taking a deep breath, raise your head through the crown and ground your feet.
Holding your arms up (Urdhva Hastasana):

Exhale and lift your arms over your head, with your palms facing or touching one another.
Lean back a little and raise your gaze.


Simple Weight-Loss Strategies

Poses for Standing Yoga
Yoga poses that require standing are a fantastic method to build strength, flexibility, and balance. Beginners can benefit from the following standing yoga poses, which can also aid in weight loss:

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Steps: Take a standing position with your feet hip-width apart or together.
Balance your weight equally on each foot.
Lift your kneecaps and use your thigh muscles.
Raise your chest and lengthen your tailbone.
Reach your arms down beside your body, palms facing front, and relax your shoulders away from your ears.
For five to ten breaths, hold.

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